Kia Ora! Haere Mai!
Thanks for taking the time to consider the role of Senior Pastor at Titirangi Baptist. As you think and pray, there is a lot of information we want you to look at and think through as part of the discernment process.
Below you'll find:
There's also a series of documents that can give you a good insight to our life and faith as a congregation.
We'd ask that you treat all of this information as confidential as you consider if you are the person God may be calling to serve among us as our senior pastor.
2022 Annual Report is available HERE
BU stats 2010-2020 for TBC is available HERE
Constitution is available HERE
Foundations - on our statement of faith - is HERE
Membership - our resource is HERE
Baptism - our resource is HERE
And you've probably already been there but here is our FACEBOOK and our TBC Youth Instagram feeds, as well as our YouTube Channel - as well as OUR WEBSITE